

九四阅读 >> 芝加哥1990 >> 第九十四章 准备弹药

第九十四章 准备弹药

he doesn't need his name up in lights

He just wants to be heard whether

it's the beat or the mic

He feels so unlike everybody else,alone

In spite of the fact that some people

still think that they know him

But Fuck'em

he knows the code

It's not about the salary

it's all about reality and makin'some noise

Makin'the story makin'sure his clique stays up

That means when he puts it down

摩图拉办公室内,宋亚跟着节拍强烈的伴奏,将一大段RAP唱了下来,然后一指艾尔,“Ale's pickin'it up,let's go!”

艾尔随即接上,Who the hell is he anyway

He never really talks much


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